

Meeting date:
Wednesday, 17 September 2014


Meeting time:









1 Questions to the Minister for Education and Skills (45 mins)

The Presiding Officer will call Party Spokespeople to ask questions without notice to the Minister after Question 2.


View Questions



2 Questions to the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport (45 mins)

The Presiding Officer will call Party Spokespeople to ask questions without notice to the Minister after Question 2.


View Questions



3 Debate on the Enterprise and Business Committee’s Report on its Inquiry into EU funding opportunities 2014-2020 (60 mins)

NDM5563 William Graham (South Wales East)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


Notes the report of the Enterprise and Business Committee on its Inquiry into EU funding opportunities 2014-2020, which was laid in the Table Office on 16 July 2014.


Note: The response by the Welsh Government was laid on 10 September 2014.


Supporting Documents

Enterprise and Business Committee’s Report

Welsh Government’s Response



4 Welsh Conservatives Debate (60 mins)

NDM5565 Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


Believes that Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England are better together and that Scotland should choose to remain in the UK on 18 September 2014.


The following amendments have been tabled:


Amendment 1 - Elin Jones (Ceredigion)


Delete all after 'National Assembly for Wales' and replace with:


1. Believes that Scotland's future is a matter for the people of Scotland.


2. Further believes that strong relations between the nations of these islands are best served through a spirit of cooperation and equality.


3. Notes that the entrenchment of the Barnett Formula, as pledged by the UK parties in the 'No' campaign for the referendum on 18 September 2014, would be to the detriment of Wales.


Amendment 2 - Jane Hutt (Vale of Glamorgan), Aled Roberts (North Wales)


Add as new point at end of motion:


Believes that whatever the result, Wales should speak with one voice, and calls for a swift implementation of the recommendations of Parts 1 and 2 of the Commission on Devolution in Wales and for a UK-wide constitutional convention to be established to draft a plan for a new union.


The Part 1 report of the Commission on Devolution in Wales can be found on the following link:


The Part 2 report of the Commission on Devolution in Wales can be found on the following link:



5 Plaid Cymru Debate (60 mins)

NDM5562 Elin Jones (Ceredigion)


To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:


1. Notes that 266,000 workers in Wales are paid less than the living wage.


2. Calls on the Welsh Government to work towards creating a living wage in Wales through:


a) establishing the living wage throughout the Welsh public sector;


b) working with employers to explain the benefits of paying the living wage; and


c) making representations to the Low Pay Commission to ensure that the minimum wage rises to the level of the living wage by 2020.


The following amendments have been tabled:


Amendment 1 - Paul Davies (Preseli Pembrokeshire)


Add as new point 2 and renumber accordingly:


Further notes that 98.4% of all businesses in Wales are classified as micro or small businesses, and that there is a need to ensure the workability of any living wage policy alongside the survival of our small businesses.


Amendment 2 - Aled Roberts (North Wales)


Delete 2 c) and replace with:


Establishing an independent review to consult on how to set a fair living wage, working with stakeholders such as the Living Wage Foundation, without damaging employment opportunities and in order to improve enforcement action.


Amendment 3 - Aled Roberts (North Wales)


Add as new point at end of motion:


Welcomes that from April 2015 1.2 million people in Wales will have a tax cut of £800 thanks to the UK Government raising the income tax threshold to £10,500, and that this will assist those workers in Wales who are being paid less than the living wage.


Amendment 4 - Aled Roberts (North Wales)


Add as new point at end of motion:


Believes that the income tax threshold should be raised to £12,500, to bring minimum wage workers out of paying income tax altogether.



Voting Time



6 Short Debate (30 mins)

NDM5564 Suzy Davies (South Wales West)


Keep Me Posted: The Consumer's Right to Choose




The Assembly will sit again in Plenary at 13.30, Tuesday, 23 September 2014